In our design center, we are constantly tasked with helping our customers design packaging that is desirable for their customers, while maintaining cost transparency. This case study highlights our packaging design project with Perma-Boot.
What is Perma Boot? The Perma-Boot is a gasket-less two-piece pipe boot repair system designed to permanently repair the most common type of roof leak – the leak around the vent pipes that penetrate your roof. The product is sold where you can find other home improvement and hardware products, such as Home Depot, Lowe’s, Ace Hardware, and more.
The idea for the product developed in 2013. The original styrofoam packaging was holding the company back from growing – the packaging failed to make a connection with customers.
Perma-Boot was one of the very first design projects our team worked on in 2017. When we saw the packaging solution that Perma-Boot was using, we knew they could grow their business with our help through more strategic packaging design.
When we met Perma-Boot, they had a display that was made of styrofoam with no graphics or product information. It was really just a display of the product and did not educate the customer on its benefits. This was costing Perma-Boot sales.
Our Focus
We started the project with a focus on packaging structure. They needed our help with retail packaging displays in stores like Home Depot, as well as wholesale displays in stores like ABC Roofing.
Working together, we said goodbye to styrofoam and introduced a better, cost effective packaging solution. We designed a new box structure and made sure it fit properly on a skid to maximize shipping space.
Overall, we wanted Perma-Boot to have a better supply chain and a better in-store shopping experience for customers.
The Packaging Design Process
It took a few months to finalize the structural design, and we went through 4-5 variations to get the art just right for the print to register correctly on the box material.
We printed and delivered chipboard prototypes of our initial concept and the owners fell out of their chairs – they texted sales representatives on the spot and within 10 minutes everyone was on board.
A Successful Partnership
Originally, Perma-Boot was working with too many different sizes and SKUs. Their team had the idea to consolidate to a 3-in-1 product with the same base and adjustable tops in 3 different sizes. Our in-house graphic designers helped Perma-Boot develop the art to properly and successfully convey this new product to customers at the wholesale and retail level.
We also helped Perma-Boot move from chipboard to corrugated. The chipboard box simply wasn’t holding up well during transit or in retail stores. This material change was critical.
Going from chipboard to corrugated helped Perma-Boot to get high volume runs, better pricing, and quicker lead times. Overall, we helped Perma-Boot save money on materials and print, resulting in a cost savings overall.
The Final Result
In 2018, when Perma-Boot made the change from chipboard to corrugated, they saved about 14% on materials. Their lead times went from 4-6 weeks down to 1-2 weeks. The strength of their packaging also significantly increased.
Our Morrisette Value is that we are price transparent. Our #1 goal is to help our customers become more profitable. By moving from chipboard to corrugated, we helped Perma-Boot with damages, cash flow, lead times, inventory management, retail display development, and SKU consolidation.
A Word From Perma-Boot
After we integrated this new packaging solution for Perma-Boot, David Manning from Perma-Boot shared his positive experience, excitement and gratitude:
I just wanted to give you some feedback on the display that [Morrisette] has designed and built for us, and how well this has been received by our customers. It was a major improvement over what we had before.
When we first met with [Morrisette], you really impressed us with you knowledge and creativity. You were very easy to work with and the communication throughout the project was great. You brought a great deal of packaging and marketing expertise to the mix and very quickly brought our new display to life.
In the end we were really impressed by what you have created. The new display shows our product very well and communicates the benefits of the product to the customer on its own with no salesman needed. It has proven to be a great asset to our sales efforts, and we hear much praise of it from the dealers and retailers that we provide it to.
Once again thank you for taking our product marketing and presentation to a whole new level!
Learn more about how Morrisette can help move your company forward here: Morrisette Packaging Design Center.