United way campaigns = $121,562
(employee pledges + company match)
- Greensboro – $95,402 (includes corporate gift)
- Raleigh – $10,630
- Greenville – $12,260
- Roanoke – $3,270
Hands on service projects
Employees giving their time and talent to help others
- Backpack beginnings coat collection for children
- Cards of gratitude for cone health covid front line workers
- Backpack beginnings food drive
- Habitat workday
- Monthly grocery delivery to local charities (shout out to jim cockman!)
- Toy & coat collection at christmas
- Hotel toiletries collected (amanda guthrie)
- Easter baskets for children – delivered by three wide foundation
- Corrugated boxes donated to local united way
- Shoes & toiletries collection for children at christmas
- Overflow thanksgiving groceries collection
- Bags of love for valentines
Plant your roots initiative
Branches giving money back to their communities
- Break the chain kennel kru guilford county animal shelter
- Humane society of piedmont american heart association
- Ronald mcdonald house food bank of central & eastern nc
- Three wide foundation crisis assistance ministry
- Classroom central charlotte uw of piedmont homeless prevention fund
- Pregnancy care center carolina caring foundation catawba valley
- Angels of assisi sw va wildlife center
- Encircle of roanoke va katawba area comm. Resource exchange (Kare)
- Christian assistance bridge (CAB)
Corporate giving
- Victory junction
- r.o.w. greensboro chamber of commerce
- Hope academy
- Second harvest food bank (begins 2021)
- Fellowship of christian athletes
- Uw virus relief fund
- Uw campaigns company match & corporate gift
Thank you for continuing to make a difference
In the lives of others!